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Americans Should Fight “Global Civics”


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Americans Should Fight “Global Civics”

February 8, 2017 by David Randall 0 Comments


It should come as no surprise that America’s colleges and universities teach their students to disdain America. It may be startling, however, to learn they actively inculcate this disdain in the name of “civics”—and that one branch of this New Civics is designed explicitly for the purpose of disaffecting American students from loyalty to the United States. This component of university instruction is called “global civics.”


Global civics is part of what the National Association of Scholars calls the New Civics in my new report,Making Citizens: How American Universities Teach Civics.” The New Civics is called service-learning, civic engagement, and by half dozen other names, but it always involves taking students out of the classroom to do “educational” community service. The time the students spend doing community service is time they don’t spend in the classroom, much less learning proper elements of civics such as how the three branches of government work.


The education they gain is indoctrination into progressive politics. The New Civics functions largely to divert university resources to progressive organizations—a kind of free labor shakedown scheme. For example, at the University of Colorado, Boulder, so-called “community partners Scissors-32x32.png

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