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Containing Congressional Cowardice


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Containing Congressional Cowardice

February 2, 2017 by Brandon J. Weichert 1 Comment


In 2006, George W. Bush faced the ultimate test of his presidency: whether to surge in Iraq or lose the war—all in the midst of a contentious midterm election. At the very least, Bush might have expected that the GOP would have stood united with him on the precipice of its electoral crucible.


But, of course, this was not to be.


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), the embodiment of why Congress needs term limits, rushed into the Oval Office on the eve of the 2006 midterm elections. McConnell (to evoke a Trump image) was basically on his knees, begging Bush not to deploy more troops. In an act of Larry David-like self-loathing, McConnell pleaded with Bush to give up his presidency so that the GOP could maintain power in Congress.


With friends like these, right?


Bush ignored the pathetic display and doubled down on his surge strategy. In so doing, he likely prevented Iraq from being a lost war under his watch. The GOP lost in 2006 and began its torturous descent to minority status on Capitol Hill. Scissors-32x32.png


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