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Thoughts from the ammo line


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thoughts-from-the-ammo-line-153.phpPower Line:

Scott Johnson

Feb. 3 2017


Ammo Grrrll draws on her professional experience as she continues in GET A GRIP – A SERIES! Part 2: GRABBING AT STRAWS (One Sane Woman’s Take on Locker-Room Talk, from Boys and Sort of Grown Men). She writes:


Tens of thousands of women marched in Washington and other cities to protest the election of President Trump. Many wore little pink knit caps they called Pussy Hats. As we would say in Fargo or “up north” in Minnesota: “Oh, for clever.” What is it with left-wing women and their vagina fetishes, including, but not limited to, vaginas that talk to themselves?


Evidently these women have yet to recover from the universally condemned, horrible, no-good, very bad statement by Trump in 2005 that very rich men can have their way with women, including grabbing their lady bits. My problem with that endless hullabaloo was: Exactly what part of that would anyone who lives in the real world claim is untrue?


Trump didn’t even say he did it; he said he could, in kind of a “gee whiz, can you believe it?” tone. In private. Of course, nothing will be “in private” ever again for any of us. Remember that. Trump may or may not have gotten a grope; ladies, get a grip.




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I would love to put this on Facebook, but I don't want to lower myself to the level of most of the other FB posters. But this was another good read from the Ammo Grrrll. She's funny and she's sensible.

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