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White House Tamps Down ‘Muslim Ban’ Hysteria


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White House Tamps Down ‘Muslim Ban’ Hysteria

Spicer: 'Protecting this nation and our people is the No. 1 priority of this president'


January 29, 2017

by Kathryn Blackhurst | Updated 29 Jan 2017 at 11:50 AM


Senior White House officials blasted the media for distorting President Trump’s executive order temporarily denying entry to people from seven terrorism-compromised countries during interviews Sunday.


The refugee pause, designed to force a revaluation of screening procedures, has been attacked by activists, liberal politicians, and the press as “anti-immigrant” and constituting a “Muslim ban” that unconstitutionally discriminates against a particular religion.


“President Trump is not willing to get this wrong, which is why he wants to move forward quickly and protect Americans.”


Several White House officials noted Trump’s 90-day entry ban affecting people from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, and Libya does not affect travelers from 46 other Muslim-majority nations.


“These seven countries — what about the 46 majority Muslim countries that are not included? Right there, it totally undercuts this nonsense that this is a Muslim ban,” Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway said on “Fox News Sunday.” “This is a ban on prospective travel from countries, trying to prevent terrorists in this country, from countries that have a recent history of training and exporting and harboring terrorists.” Scissors-32x32.png


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Shocking! Celebs Protest Trump’s Refugee Move

Liberal public figures resort to inaccurate and over-the-top fear-mongering in the age of Trump


January 29, 2017

by Vinnie Penn | Updated 29 Jan 2017 at 11:52 AM


Hollywood has predictably reacted in horror to an executive action by President Donald Trump.


Late Friday the president signed an executive order that indefinitely bans refugees who hail from Syria, temporarily bans citizens from several predominantly Muslim countries from entering the U.S., and bans all refugees for 120 days — until refugee vetting practices can be updated.


Liberal celebrities and others instantly took to Twitter when the news broke. Apparently they had never heard Trump’s campaign promises, speeches and position points for the better part of the last year-and-a-half, and they’re now “outraged.” And as celebrities and public figures continue to vent their angst on social media Sunday morning — stirring up others along the way — the words “temporarily” and “to protect Americans” aren’t making it onto the list of their 140 characters. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.lifezette.com/popzette/shocking-celebs-protest-trumps-refugee-move/

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So the courts want to fight the President on immigration policy

posted at 9:31 am on January 29, 2017 by Jazz Shaw

So things really blew up overnight, eh? There were all sorts of “spontaneous” protests popping up at airports around the nation in response to the new executive action on immigration and refugees. (If you were watching liberal Twitter you saw how “spontaneous” they really were. This was coordinated nationally.) But of more interest are the actions taken by several judges hearing appeals from some of the travelers who were being detained. In response, one judge in New York imposed a stay on portions of the executive order, while another in Boston attempted to block the entire thing. (NBC News)

A federal judge in New York has granted a stay order on President Donald Trump’s executive order temporarily restricting entry to the U.S. by those from seven predominantly Muslim countries.

The stay blocks the deportation of those who arrived in the U.S. with a valid visa, as well as those from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen who are legally authorized to enter the country. It also protects those with approved refugee applications. They stay does not mean those detained have to be released Scissors-32x32.png


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Priebus Clarifies Green Card Holder Status Under Executive Order
Cortney O'Brien
Jan 29, 2017

President Trump's executive order on immigration has been received with outcry and confusion. The protests began in airports and have made their way to the White House. Opponents charge that the order, which bans refugees from seven nations in the Middle East and Africa, is a "Muslim ban." Mayors and governors insist they were not properly warned. Judges have even fought back against the order, one issuing a stay in a case introduced by the ACLU, mandating that detainees currently being held in U.S. airports cannot be deported.








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Turning it up to 11
Scott Johnson
Jan. 30 2017

Paul notes the Washington Post’s solicitation of readers for what he calls “immigration sob stories.” If you can explain how Donald Trump ruined your life and can tie it to the “extreme vetting” executive order, the Post wants to hear from you.


But it’s not just the Post. The New York Times is also on the case. If you have been affected (or will soon be affected!) by the executive orders and are willing to share your story, the New York Times is asking for those stories via email to immigration@nytimes.com.


The American Immigration Lawyers Association would like to lend a hand. The AILA associate director of communications advises her contacts: “My recommendation would be to keep it to a paragraph or two, probably best written as first person from the client, but including your contact information too.” Make it short and colorful.


A knowledgeable reader injects a note of caution based on his own professional experience. He writes: “At least the administration seems to have backed off on green card holders but I can tell you that green card holders from all over the world (not just Muslim majority countries), and temporary work visa holders from all over the world, are freaked out and they have large networks of friends and colleagues (including many sympathetic US citizens).”



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Strassel: I Don't Remember Protests and Lawsuits When Obama Paused Immigration From Iraq In 2011
Ian Schwartz
January 29, 2017




KIMBERLEY STRASSEL: Well, look, this is also not unprecedented, by the way. I mean, Barack Obama put a pause for six months on refugees coming from Iraq back in 2011. I don't remember protestors and I don't remember lawsuits. So I think the bigger question if this is a temporary pause, which is designed for us to improve and look at our vetting processes, and indeed temporary, I don't necessarily think that's an outrageous idea. But the bigger question should be implementation. Did you get it right from the start?




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