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The Doomsday Clock Creeps As Close to Midnight As It's Been in Decades


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The Doomsday Clock Creeps As Close to Midnight As It's Been in Decades

The history of the countdown to apocalypse.


By David Grossman

Jan 26, 2017


The Doomsday Clock has just been updated. At two-and-a-half minutes to midnight, it is now the closest it has been to the apocalypse since the first tests of the hydrogen bomb in 1953. The reason for the move is pretty self-evident, but there's another question you may have. What is the Doomsday Clock anyway?


The year was 1945, and the atomic bomb had just changed the boundaries of science forever. Like the advent of the gun and the crossbow and the machine gun, the atomic bomb changed the shape of warfare.

Unlike anything before, it threatened to destroy the whole human race. And there was no way to measure or or explain the atomic bomb's in comparison to more traditional arms. Eugene Rabinowitch and Hy Goldsmith, former Manhattan Project scientists, determined that a nontechnical magazine was needed to fully make the public aware of their dangers. They called it the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Scissors-32x32.pngwallbash.gif


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