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Trump signs five more orders on pipelines, steel and environment


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96988428USA Today:

WASHINGTON — President Trump signed five more executive actions Tuesday in a blitz of executive power meant to speed approvals of high-profile energy and infrastructure projects, including two controversial pipeline projects in the upper Midwest.


Trump signed two presidential memoranda intended to expedite the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, but also signed three more longer-term and sweeping directives requiring American-made steel and changing the process of approving and regulating future pipeline and infrastructure projects.


"This is about streamlining the incredibly cumbersome, long, horrible, permitting process," Trump said in an Oval Office signing ceremony that has already become a trademark of his short presidency.


In reversing the Obama administration policy to disapprove the Keystone pipeline, Trump emphasized that the construction isn't a done deal. "It's something that subject to a renegotiation of terms by us," he said. "We'll see if we can get the pipeline built. A lot of jobs, 28,000 jobs."


Keystone XL became a lightning rod for Obama's energy policy, with the administration taking seven years to make a decision before ultimately killing it over environmental concerns. Environmental groups reacted quickly and vociferously, promising legal action and White House protests.


"President Trump wil live to regret his actions this morning," said Michael Brune of the Sierra Club, promising "a wall of resistance the likes of which he never imagined"


The directives Trump signed Tuesday included four presidential memoranda and one executive order.



Undoing Obama's damage.

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10 Things Trump Could Do to Drive the Left (Even More) Crazy


January 25, 2017by The Editors 7 Comments

President Trump on Wednesday announced several executive actions that would defund the United Nations, bolster Department of Homeland Security resources to detain illegal aliens, and—most importantly—begin the promised construction of the wall along the southern U.S. border. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Tuesday hinted at what was coming, telling an audience it would be … [Read more...]

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