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The Book of Saul


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The Book of Saul


Saturday’s marches demonstrate how the Left has become better at protesting than winning elections.

Steven Malanga, January 23, 2017


Saturday’s Women’s March in Washington and cities around the country seems to have been a cathartic moment for the Left. Many in the media reveled in the “explosion of energy,” the “thundering roar,” and the “stinging rebuke” to President Donald Trump represented by this supposedly spontaneous “resistance” movement. Yet, come Monday morning, Trump was still president and Republicans still held both houses of Congress. And while some Democratic governors and mayors pledge to resist Trump, Republicans have enjoyed a remarkable string of victories at the state and local levels during the last eight years. The GOP holds 33 state legislatures (to just 16 for Democrats) and 33 governorships. If Saturday demonstrated anything, it’s that the Left has become better at organizing protests than winning elections.


It’s not accidental. The new Democratic Party—the one increasingly governed by identity politics and driven by special interests—has become so intoxicated by the nostrums of Saul Alinsky and hisRules for Radicals that it has forgotten how to operate in a democracy, where elections count more than revolutionary theater. Scissors-32x32.png


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Women’s March Featured Speaker Who Kidnapped, Raped And Tortured A Man

By Curt 1 Comment Thu, Jan, 26th, 2017


The Women’s March on Washington last week featured as a speaker convicted felon Donna Hylton who, along with several others, kidnapped a man and then tortured him to death.


Hylton’s name is listed on the Women’s March website alongside prominent liberals like Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards, actress Gloria Steinem, filmmaker Michael Moore and CNN commentator Van Jones.


Hylton, along with three men and three other women, kidnapped 62-year-old real-estate broker Thomas Vigliarole and held him for ransom, before eventually killing him. As noted in a 1995 Psychology Today article, when asked about forcibly sodomizing the victim with a three foot steel pole, Hylton replied: “He was a homo anyway Scissors-32x32.png


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