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White House Proposes Official NEW RACE: 'Middle East/North African'


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white-house-proposes-official-new-race-middle-eastnorth-africanPJ Media:

Obama came into office amid hopes that America’s racial divisions would become a thing of the past. Instead of healing them, however, Obama has exacerbated them.


Now he is going even further: one of the lasting legacies of his disastrous administration may be the creation of an entirely new “race.”


USA Today reports:

[T]he White House is putting forward a proposal to add a new racial category for people from the Middle East and North Africa under what would be the biggest realignment of federal racial definitions in decades.

If approved, the new designation could appear on census forms in 2020 and could have far-reaching implications for racial identity, anti-discrimination laws and health research.


This new Middle Eastern/North African designation -- “MENA” -- is being created for the benefit of Muslim Arabs. However, MENA would include Middle Eastern and North African Christians and other non-Muslims, and would exclude Muslims who aren’t Middle Eastern and North African.

It is unclear whether Israeli Jews would be able to claim the MENA race. Certainly, the designation is not being created for their benefit.



If you don't have a racial designation, make one up...

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