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A Nation is Calling: Ted Cruz Should Launch a Coup d’état


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A Nation is Calling: Ted Cruz Should Launch a Coup d’état

By Vince 5 Comments


Mon, Jul, 11th, 201

6 201 views


Ted Cruz has agreed to speak at the GOP convention.


Ted Cruz has maneuvered himself into a speaking spot at the GOP convention.

I’m not sure which of those statements is true. It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that Ted Cruz is speaking at the convention and will be speaking to much of the nation at the same time. It is an historic opportunity for him and for the nation… and he should not waste it.


The nation is at a precarious point in history. From racial strife to leadership on the world stage to economic stagnation to failing, dysfunctional government to open borders, the US as a functioning nation is in peril. Perhaps not the same peril as Venezuela or Greece – yet – but in peril nonetheless. The federal government continues to take more and more of our money while imposing more and more control over our lives, turning the country into a nation of calcified robots going through the motions of life. Incomes stagnate while working hours increase – for those who choose to or can find work – Scissors-32x32.png

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