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Thoughts from the ammo line


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thoughts-from-the-ammo-line-82.phpPower Line:

Scott Johnson

October 2, 2015


Any living language can mutate. A friend in college said he had studied some kind of High German for reading philosophy. When he tried to use that language conversationally in a visit to Germany, he learned he was speaking the equivalent of English from Chaucer. “Prithee canst thou tell me, sire, where might be the street which returneth me to my hostel?” he might say. People either backed away from a potential lunatic or laughed in his face. So, language and the meaning of language evolve. I get that.


Nevertheless, it is disheartening in the extreme to see how many words and phrases – when uttered by The Perpetually Aggrieved SJWs – have come to mean “I cannot and will not tolerate disagreement. Daddy Government says I don’t have to.” Let us examine but three.




VIOLENCE – Talk to any SJW for any length of time and you learn that everything is “violence.” Swearing. Shouting. Pointing. Disagreement in particular. Years after I (finally) got a degree from a Minnesota State College, I went into their Administration Building and saw little plaques on all the desks that bragged, “This is a violence-free workplace.” Well, glory be, that would distinguish it from all the other workplaces where fisticuffs and gunplay are a normal part of the day. Seriously? Was there a big problem with Assault and Battery before you hit on the obvious solution of putting up plaques?


What is the real message here? Nobody is allowed to disagree sharply. And here we have not only a male-female divide, but a yuge class divide. I have worked blue collar jobs with men for most of my working life. In my night-shift print shop job (80 men and me), disagreements occasionally resulted in some pushing and shoving, and very rarely, in a couple of punches being thrown. If the bosses or foremen came around, “nobody saw nuthin.” It was settled, as the saying goes, “like men.” Nobody ever got seriously injured and nobody would have called it “violence.” It was “blowing off steam” plus a perfectly-rational way for grown men to settle important questions such as which Charlie’s Angel was the hottest.




It is way past time to call people on this. The next person who says “I don’t feel safe,” or “I am offended,” should be told, “Who cares? Grow up.” Sure, you’ll lose your job, be branded a sexist, racist homophobe and end up a social pariah, but this murder of language must end. Our freedom depends on it. You go first. The very thought makes me feel uncomfortable and unsafe. “Honey, can you bring me the Play-Doh and my Pooh Bear?”

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"I don't feel safe." "I am offended."


"Who cares? Grow up."


Ha! Love it.


Reminds me of something that was posted here ages ago that I wrote down so I wouldn't forget it. "I offended you with my opinion? I'm sorry. You should hear the ones I keep to myself." laugh.png

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