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French unveil 'world first' hydrogen-powered electric bike emitting only pure water


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French-unveil-world-first-hydrogen-powered-electric-bike-emitting-only-pure-water.htmlUK Telegraph:

The world’s first commercial electric bike running on hydrogen with only pure water as waste, so its makers claim, has been unveiled in France – and already snapped up by the country's post office.

It takes five minutes to charge and has a battery life of 100 kilometres (62 miles) and its Gallic makers claim it is a “world first”.

The Alpha bike, which hides its hydrogen batteries in its frame, leaves an almost neutral carbon footprint, its designers at Pragma Industries in Bidart, near Biarritz, southwestern France insist.

“The bike’s battery provides electricity from hydrogen and emits only pure water,” Pragma CEO Pierre Forté, 38, told AFP.Scissors-32x32.png

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LOL "hides the batteries in its frame" make sure to take a look at the "frame".


Glad there are hydrogen stations on every corner. Who is going to ride their bike way out of the way to get hydrogen?

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