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Ted Cruz Gives Epic Speech on Senate Floor Exposing Republican Leadership


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ted-cruz-gives-epic-speech-on-senate-floor-exposing-republican-leadershipP J Media: Ted Cruz Gives Epic Speech on Senate Floor Exposing Republican Leadership

The deceptive games these people play...


by Michael van der Galien

September 30, 2015 - 4:15 am


The video below is of Ted Cruz on the Senate floor two days ago. The senator from Texas (and Republican presidential candidate) exposed the way Washington works: the games that are played, by both parties, and the lack of principles among Republicans. As Mark Levin puts it on Twitter: it’s a real “must watch.”


You won’t see many senators taking on their own party like this, but Cruz isn’t your average politician. He has made a name for himself because of his willingness to stand alone: “Fiat justitia ruat caelum” (“Let justice be done though the heavens fall”).


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