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Russian Pilots Launch First Airstrikes in Syria, Officials Say


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putin-military-syria.htmlNY Times:


SEPT. 30, 2015


MOSCOW — President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia suddenly escalated the stakes in his contest with the West over influence in the Middle East on Wednesday, as Russian pilots carried out their first airstrikes in Syria.


Russian warplanes dropped bombs near the central city of Homs, according to American officials in Washington, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to make a public statement. Moscow informed American officials in advance, they said.


The attack came hours after Mr. Putin pushed a measure through the upper house of Parliament approving the use of Russian military forces abroad.


Russian officials and analysts portrayed the move as an attempt both to fight Islamic State militants and to try to ensure the survival of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, Russia’s main ally in the Middle East. But Homs is not under the control of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL.



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Senator Lindsey Graham Calls For Military Confrontation With Russia Over Syria If Necessary
Duane Patterson

Tuesday, September 29, 2015






LG: Well, let’s just don’t limit it to this statement. And no, I mean, I can’t find coherence in Obama’s foreign policy. What did he say on Syria?


HH: He said asked whether there’s an opportunity to use Russia and Iran’s influence in Syria to halt Assad’s use of barrel bombs, he said absolutely. He raised, the issue, he said, in meetings with both Russia and Iran. “They are both in position in exchange, perhaps, for something that we might do, they might decide to keep Assad from dropping barrel bombs.” It’s just nuts.


LG: You know, all I can say is that Secretary Kerry, I don’t question his motives, I just question his judgment. President Obama’s foreign policy is in freefall. To try to spin this to a good news story is beyond delusional. There is nothing good between a Russian-Syrian-Iran-Iraq alliance. This is a nightmare for U.S. foreign policy. It is terrible for our Arab allies. It means ISIL can recruit against Assad forever. It means the Russians have a foothold. The three biggest winners on Obama’s watch in terms of foreign policy have been the Iranians, the Russians, and radical Sunni Islamists. This is an incredible construct Secretary Kerry is pushing.



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Russia Drops Bombs in Syria Near Location Not Controlled by Islamic State

Morgan Chalfant
September 30, 2015


Russia launched its first airstrikes in Syria on Wednesday, U.S. officials said, appearing to target an area that is not controlled by the Islamic State despite assurances from Moscow it has increased military activity in the country to fight the terrorist group.


The New York Times reported that Russian warplanes dropped bombs near the city of Homs in the western region of Syria, according to anonymous Washington officials. While officials and analysts from Moscow billed the strikes as an attempt to deal a blow to the Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIL or ISIS) and also support President Bashar al-Assad, Homs is not controlled by IS.


The move came hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin forced a measure through the upper house of Parliament, known as the Federation Council, which allowed the use of Russian military force abroad.










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King-World-News-Paul-Craig-Roberts-Putin I don’t mean to ruin anyone’s morale, but I’m going to, anyway. I understand that some of you may be thinking, “Why not let Putin fight ISIS? Better him than us, wouldn’t you say? Especially since all we seem to be able to do is make more of them. Right?”

Well, sure, if that’s what he were doing. But it’s not. Scissors-32x32.png https://ricochet.com/czar-wars/

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