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reuters-weirdo-crusade-against-israels-demographic-growthSeth Frantzman: REUTER’S WEIRDO CRUSADE AGAINST ISRAEL’S “DEMOGRAPHIC” GROWTH



September 26, 201

5 · by sfrantzman · in Articles. ·



The Holy Land is “running out of room” for Jews and Arabs, according to a bizarre article article at Reuters. Is this news, analysis or opinion? Either way, it seems it was written with a penchant for China’s “one child” policy at hand, social engineering along the line of the Soviets, who sought to “rationalize” child birth rates, to the “correct amount.” From the very first claim, this article is shot through of holes and it’s worth enumerating them.


According to the article, Israel has “the highest [birth rate] in the developed world and once seen as a survival tactic in a hostile region, could be its undoing unless measures are taken to reverse the trend.” The authors don’t go deep into the figures, but note that it is “nearly double the fertility rate for the rest of the industrialized countries in the OECD.” This is all true, namely that the OECD has low birthrates and that most developed countries have low birth rates. Oddly the same exact voices forecasting doom in Israel because of “too many” Scissors-32x32.png

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