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The Great Unlearning: How Our Society Became so Stupid | PJTV


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Before I retired, my boss was this young (mid 20's) kid. Really sharp bright guy an engineer. Did not know who William Tecumseh Sherman was. When I say did not know I mean apparently 16 years of education he never learned about the Civil War in more than, it happened the North won. And he had absolutely no interest in leaning more. sad.png

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Know the feeling, I ran into a 20 something that did not know who Perry Mason was. I work in retail and had to explain to him and his girlfriend why a coupon did not work and I joked, "I feel like Perry Mason having to explain it all" and he asked me, ":who is Perry Mason?" What is also scary is that you have to be close to 45 to 50 to remember watching a man walk on the Moon live on TV.

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BTW, I commented on the Moon landings even before I saw the video. Sad.
I ran into a 20 something who brought up about how we could not go to the Moon on the old computers we had then. I remember talking to an old man who worked for Fairchild and his job was to take care of the computers the pilots of the F-101 and F-102's used. They wore the computers on their legs and plugged then into the airplane. The computer monitored fuel useage, speed and most importantly, the guiding of missiles to a target. This was the early 1960's. He told me the computer had 4K of RAM and it did not require a lot of computing power to use math to guide a missile to target. That is the same logic we used to go to the Moon and the Apollo's DSKY computer had a little more memory than that, but we went to the Moon with something like 8K of RAM and mission control had the computing power of a Commodore 64 or an Apple //e.


The internet is a good tool and so are cellphones with cameras. We could have millions of Abraham Zapruders out there but as the video puts it, we overdo it way too much plus we are becoming too dependent on them. I compare the whole thing to the Tower of Babel in the Bible where if the who thing fell, people will be scattered and confused. if TSHTF were it all tumbles down, would people know enough to find other ways to communicate or even think of turning on an AM and/or shortwave radio? I'm an amateur radio operator and I know communications is important. Cellphones are great but when it goes down, they go down, at least with amateur or CB radio, all you need is the radio itself, a power supply (battery, generator, etc) and an antenna and you are all set. It is like in all the disaster films, people gather around an old man with a ham radio for information like he is some sort of latter day Merlin.

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Know the feeling, I ran into a 20 something that did not know who Perry Mason was. I work in retail and had to explain to him and his girlfriend why a coupon did not work and I joked, "I feel like Perry Mason having to explain it all" and he asked me, ":who is Perry Mason?" What is also scary is that you have to be close to 45 to 50 to remember watching a man walk on the Moon live on TV.



As my buddy Kieth says...Its rapidly becoming A Long Time Ago.

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