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Feminist SJW’s Can Dish It Out, But Can’t Take It


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feminist-sjws-can-dish-it-out-but-cant-take-it.phpPower Line:

Steven Hayward

September 26, 2015


Major props to Steven Crowder for bringing to our attention this splendid six-minute video from the Times of London which shows a typical specimen of entitled feminist radicalism taking a predictable personal swipe at the Designated White Male Oppressor on the panel, at which point the Designated White Male Oppressor gives it back tenfold, resulting in a total rout. At which point the organizers call a halt to the panel, and many in the audience erupt in indignation at the double standards demanded by our tender SJW. My favorite part is when she complains that “there’s violence inherent in this discussion!” Cue Monty Python and the Holy Grail at this point. Definitely worth six minutes of your time.







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