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The Limits of Papal Celebrity


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the-limits-of-papal-celebrityFirst Things:

Matthew Schmitz

9. 22. 15


What effect will Francis’s visit to the United States have? Every pundit is asking the same question, but each has a different answer: the Pope will advance chimerical culture-war compromises; the Pope will channel the spirit of John Oliver and “destroy” the religious right; the Pope will revive the Catholic Church.


A few thoughts:


1. Personalities tend to be more popular than institutions, so we should be skeptical about claims that the popularity of a given pope will translate into a “revived” church.


2. Francis’s appeal is based largely on his anti-institutional image—his willingness to disregard rules and call out entrenched interests—and so his popularity is especially unlikely to translate into increased attachment to the church.


3. Celebrity is fleeting. For all his current popularity, Francis is perhaps no more popular than John Paul II was during his first visit to the United States.




5. It will end in part because he is Catholic and in part because Francis has a penchant for upsetting particular groups—not just conservatives but transgender people, Chileans, etc.


5. When it does, the people most attached to Catholic doctrines and institutions will be the ones most attached to the man.



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A Protestant Response To Pope Francis’s Address

SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 By Phillip Melancthon

The Bible and Holy Fathers show that the claims of the papacy, currently held by Pope Francis, undermine the Gospel. He is not head of the Christian Church and obedience to him is not necessary for salvation. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://thefederalist.com/2015/09/24/a-protestant-response-to-pope-franciss-address/



Oh my goodness wallbash.gif

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Pope to Congress: 'Protect and Defend Human Life at Every Stage'


by Bridget Johnson

Using examples of Americans from Abe to MLK, Francis covers social, economic issues and "the simplistic reductionism which sees only good or evil."



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Pope Lays Out Global Marxist Agenda

Cliff Kincaid — September 25, 2015


Socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is ecstatic over the pope’s address to Congress. In a message to his supporters, titled, “Why we must listen to Pope Francis,” he was particularly pleased with the fact that in his address to Congress, “Pope Francis spoke of Dorothy Day, who was a tireless advocate for the impoverished and working people in America. I think it was extraordinary that he cited her as one of the most important people in recent American history.” Day was a Marxist apologist for socialism and communist regimes. We covered this territory in my column, “With Pope’s Help, U.N. Bypasses Congress on Global Socialism.”


With Republican congressional leaders under fire from conservatives for cowering in the face of a Democratic Party onslaught, all that they needed was to roll out the welcome mat for a Marxist pope who would put them further on the defensive. But that’s exactly what happened Scissors-32x32.png http://www.aim.org/aim-column/pope-lays-out-global-marxist-agenda/

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A Protestant Response To Pope Francis’s Address

SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 By Phillip Melancthon

The Bible and Holy Fathers show that the claims of the papacy, currently held by Pope Francis, undermine the Gospel. He is not head of the Christian Church and obedience to him is not necessary for salvation. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://thefederalist.com/2015/09/24/a-protestant-response-to-pope-franciss-address/



Oh my goodness wallbash.gif




You put in a much nicer way than I would.


Good thing the Wars Of Religion Are Over.

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A Protestant Response To Pope Francis’s Address

SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 By Phillip Melancthon

The Bible and Holy Fathers show that the claims of the papacy, currently held by Pope Francis, undermine the Gospel. He is not head of the Christian Church and obedience to him is not necessary for salvation. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://thefederalist.com/2015/09/24/a-protestant-response-to-pope-franciss-address/



Oh my goodness wallbash.gif




You put in a much nicer way than I would.


Good thing the Wars Of Religion Are Over.

Just remember I’m Roman Catholic blush.png

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