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Trump threatens to sue Club for Growth over attack ads


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254539-trump-threatens-to-sue-attack-ad-groupThe Hill:

Donald Trump has threatened a "multimillion dollar lawsuit" against the conservative Club for Growth for its advertising campaign attacking the Republican front-runner for his liberal economic policy positions.


On Tuesday, Trump's presidential campaign released a "cease and desist" letter sent by the billionaire's general counsel, Alan Garten, to Club for Growth President David McIntosh.


In the letter written on the letterhead of Trump's business conglomerate, Garten says the conservative group has misrepresented Trump's views on taxes by taking an old statement that he would like to hike taxes across the board on the "superwealthy," a view that Trump's campaign claims he no longer holds.


Like most things in Trump's campaign, the letter does not conform with traditional legal language.


His counsel addresses the Club for Growth at one point as "your pitiful little group" and another as the perpetrator of a "shake-down" — the group earlier in the year asked for a $1 million donation from the billionaire businessman, which he declined.


The letter said "we will not sit idly by and allow special interest groups and political action committees like yours to defame Mr. Trump and cause damage to his reputation and business interests."Scissors-32x32.png

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I will so so glad when he goes away! I'm real tired of reading about him. I Also have several choice words for his supporters. I've gone form bemusement to annoyance and am now well into loathing.

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I will so so glad when he goes away! I'm real tired of reading about him. I Also have several choice words for his supporters. I've gone form bemusement to annoyance and am now well into loathing.

I'm sorry - I know there are supporters out there, but I almost loathe his voice as much as O. When Mr G listens to him talk, I leave the room. And yes you are right, the thin skin and narcissism are the same in both men.

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Donald Trump Declares War On Fox News In Latest Twitter Tirade






@FoxNews has been treating me very unfairly & I have therefore decided that I won't be doing any more Fox shows for the foreseeable future.


9:02 AM - 23 Sep 2015




Very Unfairly? That might be asking him harder question than "Tell us President I mean Mr. Trump, why are you so wonderful? Could you give me a great quote?"

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Fox News: We pulled the plug on Trump before he declared that he was boycotting us; Update: Trump responds
3:21 pm on September 23, 2015 by Allahpundit


This just arrived in my inbox from a Fox News spokesperson in reply to the earlier Trump/Fox post this afternoon. As the poet Aretha Franklin famously said: Who’s zoomin’ who?



“At 11:45am today, we canceled Donald Trump’s scheduled appearance on The O’Reilly Factor on Thursday, which resulted in Mr. Trump’s subsequent tweet about his ‘boycott’ of FOX News. The press predictably jumped to cover his tweet, creating yet another distraction from any real issues that Mr. Trump might be questioned about. When coverage doesn’t go his way, he engages in personal attacks on our anchors and hosts, which has grown stale and tiresome. He doesn’t seem to grasp that candidates telling journalists what to ask is not how the media works in this country.”



They don’t say why they canceled his O’Reilly appearance but the implication, I think, is that they were punishing him for dumping all over O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly on Twitter on Monday night. In other words, they decided to boycott him before he decided to boycott them. Whoever started it, it’s worth noting that Fox didn’t break into their usual coverage this afternoon to air his speech in North Charleston. If that’s the sign of a new policy, eliminating all coverage of Trump that isn’t absolutely required for news purposes, we’ll soon have an answer to the question that’s hovered over the Trump/Fox bickering since it began, namely, does he need them more than they need him or vice versa? He’ll still have his megaphone at CNN and on broadcast news outlets but he won’t have the same pipeline to a Republican audience without FNC. And if his polls start to slip and/or Fox’s ratings show no signs of weakening without him, it’ll undercut one of the core parts of his appeal, that he’s immune to normal political forces. Ace:



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Club for Growth Action to Trump: You Sue Us, We’ll Sue You Back
Jim Geraghty

September 25, 2015


Attorneys for Club for Growth Action, a political arm of the Club for Growth, sent a letter to the Trump Organization’s General Counsel Thursday threatening a counter-suit if Trump sues their organization.


“If Mr. Trump brought suit on the baseless grounds stated in your letter, Club Action would not hesitate to seek sanctions for abusive litigation under Federal Rule 11 or equivalent rules and, depending upon the forum, under statutes that deter Strategic Litigation against Public Participation (anti-SLAPP statutes),” the letter states. “Stripped of its purple adjectives, your letter makes two complaints against Club Action. Both complaints are untrue, and neither comes close to the type of knowing and malicious falsehood the First Amendment requires a public figure such as Mr. Trump to establish.”


At the heart of the issue is the Club for Growth Action ad stating that Trump “supports higher taxes.” Trump’s lawyers say he no longer holds the position the ad refers to, and will soon be unveiling a plan to lower taxes. (Trump has said, however, he intends to target the “hedge fund guys” who he feels aren’t paying their fair share.)



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Apparently he was also upset with their video showing him explaining that he mostly identifies with the Democrats.


He will disrupt the GOP from within and then bail, leaving our nomination process in shambles. Bank on it.

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How Long Before Trump’s Incessant Whining About the Media Begins to Work Against Him?


Trump the bold. Trump the straight shooter. Trump, who tells it like it is. Trump the sniveling, whining, three year old who blows a gasket if anyone says anything about him he doesn’t like. Marco Rubio on Trump:


“First of all, he takes shots at everybody that gets anywhere close to him, in terms of a poll, or anytime he hits a rough spot that’s what he does,” the Florida senator said of Trump on Kentucky Sports Radio.

“He had a really bad debate performance last week,” continued Rubio. “He’s not well informed on the issues. He really never talks about issues and can’t have more than a 10-second soundbite on any key issue. And I think he’s kind of been exposed a little bit over the last seven days, and he’s a very touchy and insecure guy and so that’s how he reacts, and people can see through it.”

Trump singled out Rubio in two campaign stops in South Carolina this week, labeling him a “lightweight,” sweaty, and financially unsuccessful.

As if to prove Rubio’s point, Trump wants the FCC to fine Fox News analyst Rich Lowry for saying that Carly Fiorina “cut [Trump’s] balls off with the precision of a surgeon.” And he has threatened to sue Club for Growth for running negative ads against him. Boo-hoo, poor Donald. But last night in South Carolina at a candidate forum that was 1/3 empty, Trump went into an epic whine about the media, and hurled insult after insult at his opponents:

But Mr. Trump kept up his grumbling there. He used a news conference before the forum to continue a recently renewed feud with Fox News, mock a conservative group that is airing attack ads against him and complain to an NBC reporter that the network is citing a CNN poll that shows Ms. Fiorina gaining support rather than NBC’s own survey, which shows Mr. Trump holding a larger lead.Scissors-32x32.png



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Video: Crowd boos when Trump calls Rubio a “clown” at the Values Voter Summit
posted at 3:21 pm on September 25, 2015 by Allahpundit


I know, I know: “Were they booing Trump for calling Rubio a clown or were they booing Rubio for being a clown?” I put the same question to MSNBC reporter Benjy Sarlin, who’s at the Values Voter Summit today. He thought they were booing Trump. So did conservative reporter Byron York of the Examiner. Sarlin makes a fair point: Watch the clip below and you’ll find only tepid applause for Trump’s big attack line on Rubio, his role in the Gang of Eight. You’d expect more from the crowd for that if the room was anti-Rubio. Rubio also seemed to get a nice ovation when he walked out for his own speech at the VVS this morning, which is no surprise. Apart from Ben Carson, no Republican candidate has as consistently high a favorable rating as he does. He’s well liked, even if he’s the first choice of only a small number of Republicans (so far).


Interestingly, Trump himself didn’t claim afterward that they were booing Rubio rather than him. He denied altogether that there were any boos because of course he did.





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