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Jorge Ramos Wannabes in the Press


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jorge-ramos-wannabes-in-the-pressAccuracy in Media: Jorge Ramos Wannabes in the Press

Cliff Kincaid — September 22, 2015

Univision’s Jorge Ramos, whose daughter works for the Hillary Clinton for President campaign, doesn’t care about fair and balanced journalism. He is only concerned about representing his people. This is what journalism has become—news coverage that casts ethnic groups and special interests as victims of the white racist capitalist power structure.


Thanks to Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the socialist running for president, we are learning that one of the latest examples of victim groups is students, who freely decide to go to college and in many cases take on student debt to pay for it.


Of this victim group, black and Hispanic college students are suffering tremendously, according to a story appearing last Wednesday in The Washington Post. It claimed that blacks and Hispanics are “at a higher risk of financial instability based on their college majors Scissors-32x32.png

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