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The Southern Border and Our Army


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the_southern_border_and_our_army.htmlAmerican Thinker:

September 21, 2015

The Southern Border and Our Army

By Jesse Hand Conroy


President Obama orders 40,000 Army troopers cut from active service. His intent, so news reports say, is to “save $7 billion.” At the same time, Obama spends $500 million to train what ended up being five anti-ISIS fighters. The math works out like this: $100 million expended per man trained to fight ISIS vs. savings of $175,000 per trooper eliminated from the ranks. And this guy Obama has executive authority over our economy?


The above is the setup for the following suggestion; given the choice, would US Army troops rather deploy along our southern border, guarding our nation’s security and integrity, or, be deployed overseas on ill defined, poorly planned foreign missions both Congress and the executive have made a muddle of? Scissors-32x32.png

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