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If Bush were still president, this would be a huge story


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if_bush_were_still_president_this_would_be_a_huge_story.htmlAmerican Thinker:

Imagine for a second that cancer-stricken children had been ejected from a park where they had been conducting a candlelight vigil because President Bush had been leaving the White House to attend a gala with Texas Republicans. I daresay it would be a lead item on the Sunday morning interview shows, with TV news shows all day showing crying children and their outraged parents interviewed at length. But the standards for Obama are quite different. Frederick Kunkle of the Washington Post tells us:


The U.S. Secret Service ordered hundreds of parents and their cancer-stricken children out of Lafayette Square on Saturday night, barricading the park for at least two hours and disrupting the group’s plans for a candlelight vigil to raise awareness and research funding for childhood cancer, participants said.


Some of the parents and children expressed hurt and disappointment that the Secret Service and Park Police, citing security precautions, virtually shut down part of a two-day event called CureFest for Childhood Cancer.Scissors-32x32.png

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The candlelight vigil came about partly because of the group’s inability to persuade the White House to light up the mansion in gold as a symbol of support for the cause, as it has done for other causes, organizers said. So they decided to hold a candlelight vigil of their own. Last year was the first.


Maybe they should have said gays get cancer more than anyone else. Probably not true, but it would have put more pressure on the Community Organizer In Chief. smile.png


From The WaPo Comments


7:07 AM CST

Of course it's not Obama's fault.

"If Only Stalin Knew."

When Comrade Stalin ruled in the Kremlin, his many apologists and admirers could never bring themselves to admit that he was responsible for the many terrible acts of the Soviet Union. Indeed, they often insisted that he could not possibly have known about such things as the deliberate starvation of millions of Ukrainians, the purge trials and executions of loyal communist officials, and the operation of the vast prison-camp system termed by writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn as The Gulag Archipelago.


Joseph Stalin couldn't possibly have known, they said. If he had known, he'd have put a stop to it all. Or maybe not. Maybe he knew, but couldn't stop it, because evil people with great power were doing it. Lavrentiy Beria, for example ...



And yet, given the totalitarian nature of the Soviet Union, it was obvious that Stalin not only knew, but was the driving force behind the Kremlin's crimes against its own citizens.




This incident reminds me of Obama's Brown shirts behavior during the so-called "Shutdown" when they kicked our veterans out of the Washington Mall.

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