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Marco Rubio: Will Pope Francis visit inspire freedom in Cuba?


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Marco Rubio

September 18, 2015


(CNN)As Pope Francis visits the United States for the very first time, it is our privilege as Catholics and Americans to welcome His Holiness to our country. Here, he will find people who are uniquely free.


We Americans are free to give our opinions and make our voices heard. We work in a free enterprise economy that, for over 200 years, has lifted countless individuals above the circumstances of their birth to achieve their God-given potential. We have been an exceptional country because, here, people are free to practice their faiths and worship God.


And we have enshrined in our founding documents and promoted the fundamental truth, all around the world, that the rights of all men, women and children -- not simply Americans -- come from God.‎




In Cuba, His Holiness won't find a government that protects its people and their God-given rights. Instead, he will find a regime that oppresses people and hinders progress, both socially and politically. He will meet with a regime that is solely responsible for the Cuban people's plight over the past 56 years.


He will find a place where every Sunday in the past six months -- as they've been doing for many years -- Cuban agents are assigned to a Catholic Church where their instructions are to beat, jail and intimidate the Ladies In White that attend Mass and who afterwards peacefully take to the streets calling for the release of their husbands, sons and fathers who are political prisoners.


My hope is that the Pope's visit to Cuba will remind all the Cuban citizens that they possess dignity and fundamental rights that come from God and that the Castro regime has no claim on changing what is 100% God-given.







If you want a bad headache...read the comments.

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I wish I say I'm surprised by the comments.


The left sure does love their commie Pope, don't they?



It seems to me a lot of what people hear about him, comes from the secular media...never a good idea.

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I wish I say I'm surprised by the comments.


The left sure does love their commie Pope, don't they?



It seems to me a lot of what people hear about him, comes from the secular media...never a good idea.


That probably describes me. I don't keep up with the Catholic media. Do they say he's not a leftist, that he thinks Capitalism is a good thing?

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I wish I say I'm surprised by the comments.


The left sure does love their commie Pope, don't they?



It seems to me a lot of what people hear about him, comes from the secular media...never a good idea.


That probably describes me. I don't keep up with the Catholic media. Do they say he's not a leftist, that he thinks Capitalism is a good thing?




I think part of the problem is defining terms. Others can explain Catholic social doctrine much better than I, it does (if I read it correctly) have elements of what many would call Socialism in it. And we need to remember Argentina has not been exactly a hot bed of Free Market Capitalism.

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A Dose of Reality for the Pope

John Hinderaker

September 21, 2015


I really don’t like Pope Francis. Some popes have been positive, world-historical figures, like John Paul II. Others have been clueless tag-alongs with the intellectual fashions of their time. I am afraid that Francis falls into the latter category. His hostility toward free enterprise is the fruit of ignorance, not holiness. His best defense is that as a citizen of Argentina, he has no experience of the benefits of free enterprise. But as the leader of a world-wide church, he is obliged to inform himself before he pontificates.


A reader passes along this graph, from EconLog, which plots on the horizontal axis a person’s position in his own country’s income distribution, and on the vertical axis, a person’s position in global income distribution, as of 2008. The poorest Americans (points 1 or 2 on the horizontal axis) have incomes that put them above the 50th percentile worldwide. Note that 12% of the richest Americans belong to the global top 1%:




Any sane person would look at this chart and say that other countries should emulate the U.S. It would be interesting to see the same graph updated, with values for some of the countries that have bypassed the U.S. in economic freedom during the Obama administration. Still, the basic point is inescapable. Our reader comments on the American left’s enthusiasm for Pope Francis’s redistributionist ethic:



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Marco-Rubio-1.jpgI’ll admit I’ve always been partial to Marco Rubio. He, Scott Walker, and Rick Perry were my top considerations. But with the latter out of the race, it seems to me that Rubio is the presumptive GOP candidate.

Craziness, you say? Let’s look at my line of thinking …


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@Valin @Geee Somebody


Good Rubio interview this afternoon On Brett Baier.

Saw it. His separation of the fallibility of the Pope was excellent!! The fact that he is a Catholic made it all that more meaningful.

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@Valin @Geee Somebody


Good Rubio interview this afternoon On Brett Baier.

Saw it. His separation of the fallibility of the Pope was excellent!! The fact that he is a Catholic made it all that more meaningful.



I thought so, too. That young man is pretty darn impressive.

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The Democrats’ Jackolope


By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | September 23rd at 10:34 AM | 1

With the left's favorite Pope in town, the media has been giddy pointing out that Francis puts Republicans in awkward positions on global warming, the environment, capitalism, etc. Meanwhile, the ... Scissors-32x32.png


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Posted on 22nd September 2015 by Administrator in Economy |Politics |Social Issues


The total lock down of Philadelphia began yesterday. The socialist, left wing, rockstar pope arrives in the U.S. today, causing mass gridlock, lost economic productivity, and another opportunity for our Orwellian police surveillance state to flex its muscles and treat its citizens like cattle and sheep. It started with the lock down of Boston a couple years ago as the all-powerful State took a giant s^#@ on the Fourth Amendment as they hunted down two teenage utensil bomb terrorists. The DHS thugs have continued to militarize Barney Fife police forces around the country. Every man, woman and child is treated like a terrorist when going to a god damn baseball or football game. As reported by Marketwatch, the pope will inconvenience millions in three large US cities over the next six days.


Pope Francis’ historical six-day visit to the U.S. will bring some of the tightest security in Washington, D.C., New York and Philadelphia this week. Pope Francis, 78, will arrive from Cuba at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland on Tuesday, Sept. 22. He’ll then meet with President Barack Obama, be honored in a parade on the National Mall in Washington that’s expected to draw more than 200,000 people,



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Ahmed and the Art of the Psychodrama

Ahmed the clockmaker and Columbia’s Mattress Girl are reminders that there are careerist advantages to becoming a victim of religious, racial, or sexual prejudice.


by Victor Davis Hanson September 27, 2015 - 5:45 pm


During Pope Francis’s parade in Washington, 5-year-old Sophie Cruz suddenly dashed up to the popemobile and handed His Holiness a note about the wretched plight of her illegal-alien parents from Los Angeles, who are apparently terrified of all the recent talk about deportations. The media loved the spontaneity and courage of 5-year-old Sophie.


But that was not quite the whole story. The entire event reportedly had been scripted for about a year by a group called “Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition,” which, in actuality, is not about immigration per se, but rather full rights for illegal immigrants. According to spokesman Juan Jose Gutierrez, the group had carefully planned Sophie’s dash: “We planned to do this from the moment we learned he was coming to the States….We have been working for a while now trying to sensitize the American public that dealing with immigration is not just dealing with the people who came in without proper documents but that we also have … countless children whose parents are undocumented.”


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