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An Islamic State fighter’s surreal rant about ‘Arabs’ hogging cellphone chargers


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rule-no-1-of-islamic-state-etiquette-dont-bogart-cellphone-chargersWashington Post:

Justin Wm. Moyer

September 18 2015


Omar Hussein has been quite busy since he left his native Britain at age 27. As the BBC noted, the former supermarket security guard defended beheadings after the murder of hostage James Foley and appeared in a propaganda video inciting British Muslims to “rise up” and “cause terror in the hearts of infidel communities.”


But though Hussein may seem devoted to fighting infidels, lending a hand in the Islamic State’s attempt to establish a caliphate in Syria and Iraq evidently has a downside: fellow fighters borrowing cellphone chargers without permission. This was among many complaints Hussein, one of at least 700 Brits who have joined the extremist group, had about his service with the men in black — specifically, the “Arabs” among them.


Hussein’s lengthy complaint, titled “Culture Clash: Understanding The Syrian Race,” was posted on his blog under his nom de guerre Abu Saeed al Britani, as the BBC first reported. In more than 6,000 words, the bizarre rant took aim at “Arabs” and “Syrians” for, among other charges, their alleged shoe-stealing, lack of respect for personal space, bad dining habits and “childish behaviour.”


Then there was the cellphone problem. Sure, disputes about chargers sometimes arise in workplaces and dorm rooms. But they also turn up on the front lines of international jihad.




H/T Max Boot



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