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Seattle sued over recycling inspectors keeping tabs on residents' trash


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?intcmp=hpbt3Fox News:

When it comes to garbage, the city of Seattle has launched a waste war.


Nine full-time solid waste inspectors have been hired as part of a controversial program to check city trash to make sure people are recycling. Additionally, contracted waste haulers have been effectively deputized as trash police, given the authority to tag bins when people fail to recycle and compost enough.


The program is now the subject of a lawsuit, as residents fume over what some call an intrusive government program.


“I understand people have noble goals,” said Keli Carender, who got tagged two weeks in a row, an offense that soon could bring a fine. “But at some point we have to say, you can’t violate my rights to achieve this noble goal.”


Carender is among 14,000 residential and commercial customers this year to get tagged. The sticker warns them that more than 10 percent of their trash content should have been recycled or put into compost bins.



Even Seattle residents think there's such a thing as too much nanny stating?


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