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Hot Air exclusive: Walker pledges to end federal public-employee unions


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hot-air-exclusive-walker-pledges-to-end-federal-public-employee-unionsHot Air:

Ed Morrissey

September 14, 2015


Time to End Big-Labor’s Corrosive Influence on the Federal Government

By Gov. Scott Walker


In 2012, American taxpayers shelled out some $156 million to do the bidding of big-government union bosses. Federal workers spent more than 3.3 million hours that year doing union work, instead of serving the government.


It’s a scheme that could only have been hatched in Washington. It’s called “official time,” and it allows government employees to work full-time for federal union bosses on the taxpayers’ dime. It’s just one of the reasons why action is required to end the corrosive influence big labor has on our federal government.


As president, I would stop that influence cold by eliminating federal government unions and returning power back to where it belongs: in the hands of hardworking taxpayers.


This idea is not new. Even President Franklin D. Roosevelt, one of America’s most revered liberals, realized just how counter-intuitive it is to allow union bosses to advocate against the best interests of the government. Union bargaining, Roosevelt said, “cannot be transplanted into the public service.”





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