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Video: Police Lives Matter march takes to the streets


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video-police-lives-matter-march-takes-to-the-streetsHot Air:

Jazz Shaw

September 13, 2015


Not so much newsy as just something nice to share on a Sunday afternoon. Yesterday a massive number of folks showed up to continue to honor the memory of Deputy Darren Goforth, and perhaps equally to celebrate the lives of his fellow officers who remain on watch now that his has ended. The Police Lives Matter gathering was probably seen by some activists as a poke in the eye to the Black Lives Matter movement, but from the looks of things there wasn’t anyone in a mood to apologize for it. (Story summary after the video from USA Today.)






I particularly liked the “undivided we march” message since it really does highlight the difference between the two groups under discussion. As long as we have so called social justice movements which focus more on dividing the nation along demographic lines rather than bringing people together, progress is unlikely at best. But our first responders have to protect everyone and they come in all colors of the rainbow, as well as genders, religions and everything else. The loss of Darren Goforth was terrible but this weekend we saw a lot of folks who want to make sure that his life and his service were not given in vain.





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Let me guess, they are walking on a live highway and shutting down traffic? Oh, they filed paperwork and have police coordinating traffic... never mind.

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Let me guess, they are walking on a live highway and shutting down traffic? Oh, they filed paperwork and have police coordinating traffic... never mind.



Yes they are white racists. You can just feel the hate!

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