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Remembering 9/11 and 9/10


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a-bloody-dayRicochet: Remembering 9/11 and 9/10

Ole Summers September 11, 2015 at 9:16 am 2 COMMENTS


I really don’t give a damn what Donald Trump said about Carly Fiorina’s face. Nor do I much care about what he might have said before about Dr. Carson. Those, and a few other tidbits, seem to be what the media consider important and feed us. The only importance they seem to attach to dissent about the administration’s collaboration (and yes, that is what it is) with Iran is to discredit it.


Today we remember the impact of the terrible attacks of September 11, 2001. Those attacks were an important turning point. The impact of those events seems, to some, to have only lasted only a brief historical moment. Perhaps.


But make no mistake: On September 10, 2015 — yesterday — the world really did change forever. Scissors-32x32.png

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Our leaders and military commanders made terrible mistakes of planning and judgment in the war against the new Nazis of the 21st century. (No, that is not too strong a characterization.) But seven years ago, the leadership, the financial structure, and the membership of the combined Islamic terrorist network had been damaged greatly. The forces of civilization were in control.


Since then, we have suffered a reverse. The forces of disorder and savagery have grown stronger and stronger. And the greatest force for stability and, yes, good on the world stage has grown simultaneously weaker and weaker, less and less determined.



Thank You Barry...and All The People who Voted For Him In 2008 & 2012.


I'm not gonna rant..though I could.

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