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House votes to accuse Obama of withholding Iran documents


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253306-house-votes-to-accuse-obama-of-withholding-iran-documentsThe Hill:

Cristina Marcos

Sept. 10 2015


The House passed a resolution Thursday contending that President Obama hasn’t provided Congress with all of the documents related to the Iran nuclear deal, thereby violating the terms of the congressional review law. The party-line vote of 245-186 came a day after House GOP leaders recalibrated their strategy to reject the Iran nuclear deal following a conservative revolt. It also came the same day Senate Democrats blocked progress on a resolution disapproving of the deal.


In the House, conservatives rallied around a proposal from Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.), the co-chair of the House Republican Israel Caucus, to delay a referendum vote on the Iran deal until the Obama administration provided Congress with the text of so-called “side deals” between Iran and international nuclear inspectors. The bilateral side deals between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) concern the details of inspections at some Iranian nuclear sites.




Still, some Republicans say the lack of information about the inspections agreed to between Iran and the IAEA leaves lawmakers in the dark. “No American citizen has read this entire agreement. And yet we’ve got members who say, ‘This is a great deal and I’m excited to vote for it,’” said Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.), the resolution’s author.



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