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Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreaks Spread Across Nation


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#more-141547Legal Insurrection: Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreaks Spread Across Nation

Posted by Leslie Eastman September 9, 2015 at 10:00am


The Golden State joins New York and Illinois in reports of significant outbreaks.


California is now seeing a significant outbreak of potentially deadly Legionnaire’s Disease:


The number of inmates being observed for possible infection with Legionnaires’ disease at San Quentin State Prison near San Francisco has jumped from 71 to 85, but the number of confirmed diagnoses held steady at six, authorities said Tuesday.


Prison authorities said they have begun restoring some freedom of movement, as well as access to the law library and hot meals to inmates at the California prison who were put on lockdown to avoid infection when the outbreak began last week.


The disease, a sometimes deadly form of pneumonia caused by a bacterium found in water systems, is transmitted when people breathe it in via steam, mist and moisture in the air. For that reason, prison officials initially shut down the plumbing in the prison, which houses 3,700 inmates and has 1,800 employees.



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