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An Unhappy Union: Marriage and the State


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An Unhappy Union: Marriage and the State


SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 Andrew Syrios


The Supreme Court’s ruling to legalize gay marriage in the case ofObergefell v. Hodges has brought with it both celebration and outrage. What seems to be missing from this discussion, however, are the dire straits that has befallen the institution of marriage inthe United States and the West in general.


Some, such as Rand Paul, have recommended getting the government “out of the marriage business altogether.” Indeed, what business does the government have defining marriage be they straight or gay? But this leaves aside the bigger problem that the government has done its best to wreck the institution with perverse incentives and punitive laws. Getting the government “out of the marriage business altogether” may be the only way to save it. But doing so will require a lot more than simply privatizing wedding ceremonies.

How Government Got Involved in Marriage

The institution of marriage has been a bedrock of civilization, but that had nothing to do with government. In fact, it’s important to note that governments didn’t become involved in the institution until relatively recently. And once involved, their role has been far from benevolent. Stephanie Coontz describes the history as follows Scissors-32x32.png

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