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progressive-crime-wave-grows-matthew-vadumFront Page Magazine: THE PROGRESSIVE CRIME WAVE GROWS Murder, murder, everywhere, but Obama's not to blame.

September 7, 2015 Matthew Vadum 20


Murder rates are skyrocketing in large U.S. cities, but President Obama's progressive pro-crime policies and endless racial provocations have nothing to do with it, the New York Times predictably declared in a recent article.


Nowadays Americans are being killed and maimed explicitly because of their race. Execution-style cop killings are becoming distressingly common. Killings and vicious assaults based on the skin color of the civilian victim are also becoming common.


That any of this is happening shouldn't surprise anyone who follows public events. For years media outlets have acted as uncompensated publicists for the Obama administration's ongoing campaign to turn America into the progressive paradise that is Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe.


And they're still doing it today. Some downplay the evidence of a crime wave Scissors-32x32.png

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