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Secular zealots oppose Knoxville memorial


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Secular zealots oppose Knoxville memorial

Ted Cruz12:04 a.m. CDT September 6, 2015


A simple memorial, constructed by a combat veteran, to honor the memory of brothers in arms who never made it home, is a reminder of the timeless bonds forged on the field of battle among men willing to sacrifice everything in defense of freedom. That such a memorial would incorporate a replica of the white Latin cross, which marks the graves of thousands of American soldiers in cemeteries around the world, should come as a surprise to no one.

Still, there are those who take offense at the mere sight of any cross, and are determined to eliminate the image from public view. These zealots of secularism, in an attempt to purge every vestige of our nation’s Christian heritage, have demonstrated a willingness to disrespect our veterans, and to disregard our history, in order to achieve their goal Scissors-32x32.png

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