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Keeping The Golden Ticket


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?p=13651A Nod To The Gods: Keeping The Golden Ticket Sep 5th

The 2014 Republican candidates promised change once they had the majority of both houses, they promised repeal of Obamacare and Obamas amnesty, then they handed Obama everything he wanted. It’s hard to change Washington when your politicians are more worried about keeping their salary and perks than they are about doing what they promised on the campaign trail.


The Republican Party tells conservatives what they want to hear while taking its marching orders from an infrastructure of advisers, experts and consultants who urge it to implement the same old bad ideas while lying to the public.


That is how we got here in more ways than one.


It’s time to bring the curtain down on their latest production in which a big chunk of Congress walks away hiding a smirk after having pulled off its latest scam. here….

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