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Trump for Neocons


Has the Donald “arrived” at The Weekly Standard?


by Mark Ellis September 5, 2015 - 10:33 am

Donald Trump has signed the RNC pledge, and that’s a good thing.


Even if the document he held up at a brilliantly staged and presidentially evocative press conference is worth no more than one of those Universal Life Church ordainments stoner shamans used to wave around in the sixties, he’s ostensibly in as a full-fledged and loyal Republican.


And why the hell not? Autumn will soon be changing the colors of the foliage, lowering the curtain on the Summer of Trump, and likely presaging the next poll-topping iteration of Trumpmania.


But it wasn’t the pledge that struck me as the sea-change moment. It was when the latest issue of The Weekly Standard hit my mailbox. No conservative publication or consortium of analysts and writers has more consistently derided Trump from the outset. Now, as of September 7, it’s as if they’ve called a Trump strategy meeting, and a change of tune is in the air. Scissors-32x32.png

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