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Trump Has Succeeded in Convincing Conservatives to Discard their Principles Overnight


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Trump Has Succeeded in Convincing Conservatives to Discard their Principles Overnight

By Curt No Comments


Wed, Sep, 2nd, 201

5 24 views


Charles C.W. Cooke:


Since he jumped self-confidently into the political limelight, Donald Trump has been quite the upside-down man. Customarily, primary seasons permit each party’s voters to indulge in a rational process of elimination: First, they discover which candidate most closely agrees with them on policy, and then they ask themselves whether that person is capable of representing their ideas in public. This time around, however, this process has been disastrously inverted, a solid portion of the Republican party’s balloters having decided first who they want to speak on their behalf, and then, as if t’were a mere afterthought, wondered what he might end up saying. That their pick lacks any sort of conservative message at all does not seem to have mattered in the slightest. “We want that guy,” a host of voters have determined. “Whatever he believes, he says it so well.” Scissors-32x32.png

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National Review

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I have to say I am rapidly coming down with a damn near terminal case of Trump fatigue. He and his supporters a boring the heck out of me.



The latest meme is if you don't support DT or if you criticize him in anyway means you want Jeb Bush to be President. wallbash.gif

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National Review

Plenty Of Comments


I have to say I am rapidly coming down with a damn near terminal case of Trump fatigue. He and his supporters a boring the heck out of me.



The latest meme is if you don't support DT or if you criticize him in anyway means you want Jeb Bush to be President. wallbash.gif

"Not Me" sorry i am a die hard for Rick Perry

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National Review

Plenty Of Comments


I have to say I am rapidly coming down with a damn near terminal case of Trump fatigue. He and his supporters a boring the heck out of me.



The latest meme is if you don't support DT or if you criticize him in anyway means you want Jeb Bush to be President. wallbash.gif

"Not Me" sorry i am a die hard for Rick Perry




Jeb should have run in 08 or 12. I think he would make a fine President...but his time has gone.


In other words Not Me Either.

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Trump is latest in long line of demagogues


No one has been more affected by the surge of Donald Trump in the polls than the pundits who obsess with elections. Much ink has been spilled trying to answer questions like "What does it mean?" and "What does it say about us as a country?" The one thing it says to anyone familiar with the history of demagogic presidential candidates is that the more things change, they more they stay the same.


Trump is currently polling nationally at 26 percent of the Republican primary electorate. Assuming that Republican primary goers are half of all voters (a very generous assumption), this means that 13 percent of the electorate is attracted to The Donald. Throughout American history, many presidential hopefuls who had a loud megaphone were capable of reaching 13 percent of the electorate. Many of them appealed to the same voters that Trump is garnering. Here are some examples:

William Jennings Bryan, 1896: Bryan was the Democratic nominee for president three times as a prairie populist, railing against the gold standard and the Eastern elites. He appealed to farmers and others worried about the Industrial Revolution, the growth of the cities and yes, massive increases in immigration. Deeply religious, he ended his career prosecuting John Thomas Scopes for teaching evolution in a Tennessee high school. As his party's nominee, he got much closer to the presidency than Trump has.Scissors-32x32.png



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Donald Trump's appeal is based on yesterday's news - Michael Barone


Aside from the court-ordered dribbling out of Hillary Clinton's classified-material-filled emails, the big presidential campaign news of the summer has been the boom for Donald Trump in the race for the Republican nomination. Trump has risen from 3 percent in the polls when he announced on June 16 to pass the other Republican candidates a month later and now stands at 26 percent, 14 percent ahead of any other candidate.


Trump's constituency in many ways resembles that amassed by another celebrity candidate who defied the usual political rules, Ross Perot in 1992. Like Perot, Trump runs better among whites than blacks, among men than women, among non-college graduates than college grads, in the suburbs and countryside than big cities. Like Perot, he has no special appeal to traditionally religious voters.


But there is one striking difference. In November 1992, Perot won more than 20 percent among voters under 45 but only 12 percent among those 60 and over. Younger voters, presumably less attached to parties than their elders, flocked to his side.Scissors-32x32.png



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CNN dismisses Trump's 'ransom' demand


A high-level source at CNN says the network won't give in to Donald Trump's demand to donate $10 million to charity as a condition of Trump appearing at the network's upcoming Republican presidential debate.


Trump said in a recent interview that he was considering making this demand to CNN if the network wants him at the debate. Trump said at the time that his plan is based on the theory that he's the one that drove huge ratings for Fox News on Aug. 6, and that his appearance at CNN would be a ratings bonanza.


"If I'm in it, they'll get this crazy audience, and they're going to make a fortune since they're selling commercials every time we take a break," Trump told Time in August. "Would you ever say to them, would you ever say, I want $10 million for AIDS research, for cancer, for this type or not, or is it too cute?"Scissors-32x32.png


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CNN dismisses Trump's 'ransom' demand


A high-level source at CNN says the network won't give in to Donald Trump's demand to donate $10 million to charity as a condition of Trump appearing at the network's upcoming Republican presidential debate.


Trump said in a recent interview that he was considering making this demand to CNN if the network wants him at the debate. Trump said at the time that his plan is based on the theory that he's the one that drove huge ratings for Fox News on Aug. 6, and that his appearance at CNN would be a ratings bonanza.




The Trumpers will love this...but then there is nothing he says or does they don't love.

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