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Trump and Iran


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The American Conservative

Trump and Iran

By DANIEL LARISONSeptember 2, 2015, 9:29 AM

Scott McConnell asks what we could expect from Trump on foreign policy, specifically on Iran:


The greater neoconservative goal, of course, is the prevention any American rapprochement with Iran, keeping the sanctions going till they have a president willing to start a war on the country. How does Trump fit into that?


I have tried to avoid writing about Trump as much as possible over the last few months, because it is generally a waste of time to attempt to analyze the policy views of an opportunistic demagogue, but since the question has been asked here I’ll try to answer it. As far as I can tell, Trump endorses the hard-liners’ position on the nuclear deal. He has characteristically denounced it in the most hyperbolic terms, he is preparing to share a stage with the only other presidential candidate that can match him in demagogic rhetoric to repeat these denunciations, and two of the groups sponsoring the rally that Trump will attend are among the most fanatical hawkish organizations in the U.S. He has also repeated some of the most ludicrous and dishonest hawkish talking points about what the deal requires of the U.S. For instance, he recently repeated the lie that the deal obliges the U.S. to defend Iran from an Israeli attack: Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.theamericanconservative.com/larison/trump-and-iran/

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THE ONLY WAY TO BLOCK THE IRAN TREATY: SUE OBAMA The last hope to keep Iran from going nuclear?

September 2, 2015 Robert B. Sklaroff and Lee S. Bender 6


Emergency Prescription for Senate: [1]—Pass rule that abolishes the filibuster; [2]—Pass resolution declaring the Iran nuke deal to be a “treaty”; [3]—Defeat the deal; and [4]—Sue President Obama to enjoin him from implementing the deal.


A tsunami of support for portraying the Iran nuke capitulation as a “treaty” must culminate in an ironclad commitment to litigate. The Supreme Court will then be able to negate Obama’s (mis-)portrayal thereof as an “executive order.”


This conceptualization was exhaustively promulgated and painstakingly documented in five prior essays. Provisional endorsement thereof has emerged from other authors, albeit none explicitly advocated filing a lawsuit comparable to that which pends against ObamaCare (c/o Speaker Boehner). Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/259990/only-way-block-iran-treaty-sue-obama-robert-b-sklaroff

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