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How Google Can Rig Everything in Washington, D.C. – and Around the World


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how-google-can-rig-everything-in-washington-d-c-and-around-the-worldHuman Events:

Let us ponder for a moment who and what Google is. Google has made tens of billions of dollars – being all up in your business. Uber-efficiently doing what governments the world over have for centuries only at best bumblingly attempted – accumulating reams and reams of data on millions and millions of people.


Google is a private company. These millions of people voluntarily use its products – and expose themselves to Google’s data probes. Thoughtlessly clicking “Yes” in approval of the multi-page disclaimers that appear before them – when they are actually given that opportunity. If you use Google to search, for instance – you receive no such precursory heads-up.


Again, Google is a private company. Thus caveat quaero applies – “let the searcher beware.” But Google is amongst other things taking huge advantage of decades of trial lawyers’ cumulative handiwork. A rational, non-lawsuit-preemptive disclosure form would be shorter, truly informative – and much more widely read. Google benefits from – and revels in – the blurring legalese.

Google’s data-capture business has been unbelievably successful. Good on them. But they have used that model to cultivate another – huge government cronyism. Which ain’t quite so hot for us. And no one has been more receptive and reciprocal than the President Barack Obama and his Administration. A man Google twice uber-helped get elected – in large part by using its massive data caches.Scissors-32x32.png

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Could someone please explain to me why people are so concerned about the NSA collecting your phone bill, and not worried/complaining about Google/Microsoft...etc collecting everything about you?

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Could someone please explain to me why people are so concerned about the NSA collecting your phone bill, and not worried/complaining about Google/Microsoft...etc collecting everything about you?

I have said the same thing repeatedly. Ditto FB.

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Related question


Could someone please explain to me why people are so concerned about the NSA collecting your phone bill, and not worried/complaining about Google/Microsoft...etc collecting everything about you?

I have said the same thing repeatedly. Ditto FB.




Go to TOS and ask that...stand by for major flaming.

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