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Rick Perry, Chris Christie on Hugh Hewitt Show


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www.hughhewitt.comHugh Hewitt Show:

Rick Perry On Hillary’s Meltdown

Aug 20 2015






HH: Some reporters are trying to push you out saying you’re out of money. What’s your response to that, Rick Perry?


RP: I’ve been out of money for a lot of times in my life, whether it was in my personal life or was in my business life. As a matter of fact, when I was the governor in 2003, we were $10 billion dollars short. And I addressed it by cutting back on spending. We cut back spending in our personal life when we came up short, we cut back spending when I was the governor of Texas in 2003, and we’ll cut back here and have a smaller footprint. But we’re not going to be leaving the presidential race. Ronald Reagan was out of money back in 1980, I think. John McCain’s been out of money before. But it doesn’t mean you’re out of spirit. It doesn’t mean you’re out of ideas. It doesn’t mean you’re out of people that are willing to go work and to put your story forward. Nobody on that stage, nobody, Democrat or Republican, has a record of delivering from the standpoint of being a chief executive of the 12th largest economy in the world, in my case, job creation that’s untouchable by anybody on that stage. If Americans want somebody to go to the White House, get this country back on track from the standpoint of creating jobs, get this country back on track, because I’ve worn the uniform of this country. It’s not, this isn’t an educational process for me. This is the real deal for me. I’ve been the chief executive, and I’ve been the commander-in-chief of the Texas National Guard when we deployed those troops last summer because the federal government failed to do its job on securing that border. I know how to secure the border. I know how to get this country back from an economic standpoint. And I know how to lead America and give Americans hope that its best days are in front of it, because I believe it with all my heart we’ve got to get these policies in place.





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Chris Christie On Hillary’s Server, National Security Breaches, And The Judiciary

Aug 20 2015






HH: Let me talk about something you’ve also done already, which is appoint Supreme Court justices. It matters a great deal, obviously. You’ve appointed three in New Jersey – Ann Peterson, she went to Cornell Law, Faustino Fernandez Vina, who went to Rutgers, Lee Solomon, who went to Widener. You yourself are a Seton Hall grad. You’ve got great diversity and background. Right now on the United States Supreme Court, all nine of the justices came from Harvard or Yale Law School. How healthy is that for the bar, Chris Christie?

CC: It’s not healthy, and the fact is that I’ve worked really hard to make sure that we have a representation of people on the court who have real life experiences. You know, you need folks who have real life experiences, who have had real struggles, and who have made a difference in their communities in ways that are different than just going to an Ivy League school. And so you know, that certainly wouldn’t be something that would preclude you of being a nominee of mine from the Supreme Court, to have gone to an Ivy League school, but it’s not going to be a requirement. I want people who have had real life experiences and know that the things they do on that court have an effect on real people’s lives every day in this country. Those are the kind of people I’ve appointed to the New Jersey Supreme Court, and those folks have done quite well, in my view, so far on the court.


HH: I want to quote to you from Dahlia Lithwick. Now that’s going to surprise some people. She’s a Stanford Law grad. She’s a lefty, but she’s really smart, and she wrote a piece for the New Republic a few years ago called “Yale-Harvard-Yale-Harvard-Harvard-Harvard-Columbia.” And the key paragraph is this. “The result of the last many years of judicial appointments have been what Professor Amar of Yale Law School calls the judicialization of the judiciary, a selection process that discourages political or advocacy experiences, and reduces the path to the Supreme Court to a funnel. Elite schools beget elite judicial clerkships, beget elite federal judgeships. Rinse, repeat. All nine sitting justices attended either Yale or Harvard Law Schools.” We no longer have, she notes out, a single veteran, “no one from the heartland,” no “former cabinet officials, no capital defense attorneys.” She concludes, “the Supreme Court that decided Brown V. Board of Education had five members who had served in elective office. The Roberts court has none. What we have instead are nine perfect judicial thoroughbreds who have spent their entire adulthoods on the same lofty, narrow trajectory.” Will you break that pattern, Chris Christie?



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