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Hillary’s Plan Makes College More Unaffordable


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hillarys-plan-makes-college-more-unaffordableHuman Events:

Hillary Clinton thinks she has touched a populist nerve with the American middle class with her $350 billion ten year plan to make college more affordable. And in some ways she has. I’ve long argued as the father of two college kids that the biggest scam in America is how much colleges are charging families for a diploma.


She’s right that colleges are unaccountable, lack transparency and are often overpriced. “College is supposed to help people achieve their dreams, but more and more paying for college actually pushes those dreams further and further out of reach,” Clinton declared. “That is a betrayal of everything college is supposed to represents.”


There are now dozens of colleges this year that charge more than $50,000 a year in room, board and tuition. That is a betrayal. College tuition costs have gone up faster than the costs of health care and even housing over the past 20 years, during a digit era when education costs should be falling.

But Hillary’s plan would only make the crisis worse by having the taxpayers foot even a larger share of the cost of tuition. She wouldn’t make it free, but only a small fraction of college cost would be borne by the students and fmailies. This third party payer system is what has caused the spiral of inflation in tuitions in the first place.Scissors-32x32.png

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