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The 2016 Racing Form, third edition


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391ab10e-41ec-11e5-846d-02792f854297_story.html?hpid=z2Washington Post:

Charles Krauthammer

Aug. 13 2015


Both presidential nomination contests having been scrambled by recent events — the FBI taking control of Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server and a raucous, roiling GOP debate — the third edition of the Racing Form is herewith rushed into print.


Legal disclaimer: This column is for betting purposes only. What follows is analysis — scrubbed, as thoroughly as a Clinton server, of advocacy. (Unless I simply can’t resist.)




Bonus Racing Form feature: the general election.


Conventional wisdom is that the GOP is tearing itself apart and headed south. What’s becoming clear, however, is that the Democrats are equally split ideologically — Clinton desperately moving left as Sanders’ crowds grow — and increasingly nervous about her chronic, shall we say, character problem.


Both parties limp into November 2016. Current odds? GOP: 55 percent.


And note how thin is the Democrat’s bench. After Clinton, no one, while the GOP stage sports perhaps eight to 10 impressive, plausibly presidential figures, including (for those who count such things) two Hispanics, a female former Fortune 500 CEO and an African American brain surgeon.

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