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Elizabeth Warren’s opportunity: Hillary has fallen, and she may not get up


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#more-138224Legal Insurrection: Elizabeth Warren’s opportunity: Hillary has fallen, and she may not get up

Posted by William A. Jacobson August 12, 2015 at 2:30pm


Democrats in need of a savior – Bernie Sanders isn’t it, but Elizabeth Warren may be.


All the pieces are falling into place for Elizabeth Warren to enter the presidential race.


First, long before Hillary began to falter, I predicted that Elizabeth Warren would crush Hillary, and they both know it:


For all my criticisms of Warren, and they are extensive, I am convinced that if she ran, she would crush Hillary, just as Obama did.


Warren, as did Obama, has a unique ability to demagogue the core Democratic narrative of victimhood in ways that would make Hillary blush. She is more cunning than Hillary, more popular with the base, would bring an excitement the contrived Ready-for-Hillary movement could only dream of. Democrats may be “ready” for Hillary, but they don’t really want her.


Bernie Sanders’ success in mounting a credible campaign is the best evidence that Warren would crush Hillary. Scissors-32x32.png

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