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Poll: Truce sought between LGBT, religion, but gays lose in 'cultural war' 4-1


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2569587Washington Examiner:

Paul Bedard




Americans reacting to the Supreme Court's approval of same sex marriage desire a truce between religious freedom and gay rights, but if pushed, overwhelmingly side with protecting the liberty of their faith by a margin of 4 to 1, according to a new national survey.


The degree of their fierce support for religious freedom and liberty jumps when given this choice:




The poll was conducted by Caddell Associates and shows both sides of the debate over gay rights and religious liberty. On the one hand, Pat Caddell said in a memo provided to Secrets, 71 percent of Americans want the nation to produce "a commonsense solution that both protects religious freedom and gay and lesbian couples from discrimination."


But by a margin of 4 to 1, they will pick religious freedom and liberty over gay rights in a "cultural war."





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