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FEC head suggests fixing agency by firing everyone except her


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?intcmp=hpbt3Fox News:

The chairwoman of the Federal Election Commission has a novel idea for reforming the turbulent agency she leads: Fire everyone -- except for her.


Ann Ravel, the Democratic head of the commission, pitched the plan during a recent conference.


While calling for a host of campaign finance reforms -- including more disclosure by political groups, easier online access to data -- she urged changes as well for the "cop on the beat," the FEC.


"Certainly Congress or the president could establish a blue ribbon commission to propose reforms at the FEC, including replacing holdover commissioners of which everybody is a holdover commissioner except me," she said.


Ravel then chuckled, and added: "So that's not for personal reasons."


The camaraderie on the FEC these days isn't exactly tight. Members have clashed in the last several months over Ravel's flirtation with Internet regulation and allegations of partisanship on both sides.


But the suggestion -- made during a forum hosted by The Brennan Center for Justice, the New York City Campaign Finance Board, and the Committee for Economic Development -- that the rest of the commission be replaced would appear to mark a new level of disharmony.



"It ain't my fault!"

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