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The War on the Culture War


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the_war_on_the_culture_war.htmlAnerican Thinker:

July 25, 2015

The War on the Culture War

By John Horvat II

The Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision mandating same-sex “marriage” nationwide is being heralded as the decisive blow in the nation’s Culture War. It is proof, pundits say, that Christianity is in decline and the massive reaction to the sexual revolution of the sixties has failed.


Culture Warriors are now being urged to bow to the inevitable by either giving in or fading away. Liberals everywhere are parroting the mantra that the Culture War is over because the sexual revolution cannot be undone. The nation needs to move on.


But is the Culture War over? Every war must have a winner and a loser. It is usually the loser that declares the war is over by surrendering. This is a very strange situation where the supposed victor is declaring the war over without the consent of the vanquished. Scissors-32x32.png

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