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UN Singles Out Israel on Women’s Rights


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un-singles-out-israel-on-womens-rightsVia Meadia:

Mar. 23 2015


The UN Human Rights Commission, with incredible diligence and perseverance, has been combing the Middle East to find an example of discrimination against women, and at long last it found a culprit: Israel!


Ynetnews has the story:



Out of nine official documents produced from the UN’s annual Commission on the Status of Women report, only one of the UN’s 193 members were mentioned in regards to ongoing infringement of women’s rights – Israel – in what Jerusalem says [is] another case of UN bias.


The document, titled the “Situation of and assistance to Palestinian women”, slams Israel for the ongoing occupation of the West Bank, a situation which it says has led to “(h)igh levels of unemployment and poverty” among Palestinians, especially women.





It’s comforting that the members of the Human Rights Commission have such a keen eye for women’s issues. On the off-chance that Iran or Saudi Arabia were to start restricting the rights of their female citizens, we can be sure the UN will be on the case.

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