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Nanny State Goes Wild with Bake Sale Ban


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The Wall Street Journal bids farewell to a staple of school life since time immemorial: the bake sale. Those Who Know What's Good For Us have decided bake sales are out of the question for our roly-poly student bodies, you see.

Campus bake sales—a mainstay of school fundraisers—are going on a diet. A federal law that aims to curb childhood obesity means that, in dozens of states, bake sales must adhere to nutrition requirements that could replace cupcakes and brownies with fruit cups and granola bars.

Jeff Ellsworth, principal of the kindergarten through eighth-grade school in Chapman, Neb., isn't quite sure how to break the news to the kids. "The chocolate bars are a big seller," said Mr. Ellsworth.

The restrictions that took effect in July stem from the 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act championed by first lady Michelle Obama and her "Let's Move!" campaign. The law overhauled nutrition standards affecting more than 30 million children. Among the changes: fatty french fries were out, while baked sweet potato fries were deemed to be fine.

What powers does the Constitution vest in the First Lady, again? I guess we're well past asking such churlish questions. I can imagine no better symbol for humorless dead-end collectivism than a bunch of forlorn kids trudging up to adults and begging them to buy a granola bar to support their sports team.Scissors-32x32.png

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