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It’s Not Your Founding Fathers’ Republic Any More


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24_3_constitution.htmlCity Journal:



It’s Not Your Founding Fathers’ Republic Any More


Presidents, Congresses, and courts are creating an elective despotism.

Summer 2014

How far have we distorted the Constitution that the Founders gave us, and how much does it matter? A phalanx of recent books warns that we have undermined our fundamental law so recklessly that Americans should worry that government of the people, by the people, and for the people really could perish from the earth. The tomes—Adam Freedman’s engaging The Naked Constitution, Mark R. Levin’s impassioned The Liberty Amendments, Richard A. Epstein’s masterful The Classical Liberal Constitution, and Philip K. Howard’s eloquent and levelheaded The Rule of Nobody (in order of publication)—look at the question from different angles and offer different fixes to it, but all agree that Americans need to take action right now. snip


Slaughter-House Cases. The decision helped embolden Southern Democrats to enact Jim Crow laws. snip

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