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Sending pink slips to a war zone


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sending-pink-slips-to-a-war-zoneNew York Post:

Sending pink slips to a war zone

By Jonathan Hendershott July 9, 2014 | 5:38amafghanistan_us_base_handover_ceremony.jp

US soldiers prepare to leave after handing over their military base to the Afghan National Army in Baghlan, Afghanistan.Photo: EPA

In a stunning display of callousness, the Defense Department has announced that thousands of soldiers — many serving as commanding officers in Afghanistan — will be notified in the coming weeks that their service to the country is no longer needed.


Last week, more than 1,100 Army captains — the men and women who know best how to fight this enemy because they have experienced multiple deployments — were told they’ll be retired from the Army.


The overall news is not unexpected. The Army has ended its major operations in Iraq and is winding down in Afghanistan. Budget cuts are projected to shrink the Army from its current 520,000 troops to 440,000, the smallest size since before World War II.


What is astonishing is that the Defense Department thought it would be appropriate to notify deployed soldiers — men and women risking their lives daily in combat zones — that they’ll be laid off after their current deployment. Scissors-32x32.png


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I ran in to a lady this week who's daughter, SIL, and baby granddaughter were coming to stay with them from Washington for a week so he could see what job opportunities were here. He is an officer who has done a couple of tours in Afghanistan and was told his services were no longer needed, just like that. The family has spent years making sacrifices for this country and they were just thrown to the curbside like garbage.

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