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Obama strives to be 'my brother’s keeper'


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199406-obama-strives-to-be-my-brothers-keeperThe Hill:

President Obama on Thursday will establish a new interagency task force charged with promoting opportunities for young men of color through an examination of government policies and programs.


The program, dubbed “My Brother’s Keeper,” will ask businesses and foundations to fund programs across the country designed to keep young minority men employed or in school and out of jail.


“For decades, opportunity has lagged behind for boys and young men of color. But across the country, communities are adopting approaches to help put these boys and young men on the path to success,” a White House official said in a statement. “The president wants to build on that work.”

The president will announce that foundations supporting the initiative have pledged at least $200 million over the next five years to “find and rapidly spread solutions that have the highest potential for impact,” the White House said.

Efforts receiving commitments will include those targeting early child development and school readiness, parenting and parent engagement, third grade literacy, and school discipline reform.

Programs helping reduce minority interactions with the criminal justice system and improve health and economic opportunities will also be among those evaluated by the task force, which has three months to design an plan for coordinating the $200 million in commitments.Scissors-32x32.png

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DIANNY RANTS: My Brother’s Keeper http://alltherightsnark.org/dianny-rants-brothers-keeper/


Barack Obama has launched a new initiative that takes aim at “troubled young black men.”


This program will target Federal and private money toward providing these “trouble young black men” with the opportunity to turn their lives around, keep them in school and out of prisons.


Oddly enough, it is named “My Brother’s Keeper.”


Obama often uses this phrase in explaining his faith in God and his view of government hand-outs. He points out that he believes what it says in the Bible about being “my brother’s keeper.”


Barack really digs that phrase.


Devout Christian that he is, I’m surprised how often he cites this quote from the Bible as his philosophical outlook.


After all, the guy who originally uttered those words said them out of sarcasm after he murdered his brother.


For those not familiar with the story:


Adam and Eve had three sons. Cain, Abel and Seth.


Abel was beloved by God and by his parents. Cain, not as much. And that made Cain mad. So, out of jealousy and resentment, Cain murdered his brother.


Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” And he said, “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?” God said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to Me from the ground. Now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. When you cultivate the ground, it will no longer yield its strength to you; you will be a vagrant and a wanderer on the earth.” [Genesis 4:9-12]


Sadly for Obama and his clear lack of Biblical understanding, he has no idea what he reveals by repeatedly citing “Am I my brother’s keeper?” as his life’s tenet.


When you look at Barack Obama, the man, it makes sense that he would embrace the words spit out sarcastically from a jealous, vindictive brother.


It is how he lives his life, isn’t it?


He is profoundly jealous of those who have been blessed with prosperity, security, wealth, opportunity. And rather than emulate them and seek to live his life by their example, he punishes them. He destroys what they’ve created.


Like Cain, Barack Obama doesn’t seek to do the right thing, but seeks to punish those who have gained what he is unwilling to work for himself.


Like Cain, Obama plots and schemes out of anger, jealousy, a need for vengeance.


When I read the article about this new initiative, the cynic in me couldn’t help but see the typical Obama plotting and scheming.


This past week, a number of black pastors wrote a letter demanding that Eric Holder be removed as Attorney General for encouraging state Attorneys General to not enforce the laws in their states that uphold marriage as being between a man and a woman.


Liberalism has enslaved black Americans to Government. And these black pastors are rebelling against their Liberal Masters.


But, before you get upset with Government that your liberty is being taken away from you, you should know, that contraceptives will be covered!


There’s the prophylactic scrap from the Master’s table.


Liberalism has abandoned blacks in America.


As I mentioned yesterday, Liberals are parasites. They will suck a host dry, then move on to another.


For years, the host that this parasite had attached itself to was black America. But Liberals have sucked them dry. They have gotten everything of benefit they can from them.


That’s why they’ve moved on to gays and illegal aliens.


Liberals have so enslaved blacks, they can rest easy knowing that even if black unemployment is in the double digits, even if black on black crime is at epidemic levels, even if black families are destroyed and their children unable to read, they will continue to vote for Liberals.


These black pastors are not to speak out against Eric Holder. It isn’t permitted of those enslaved to Liberalism to speak out against it.


They are getting uppity.


Let me tell you something.


It was Government that destroyed the black family and relegated black youth to live their lives without the solid foundation a family can bring.


It was Government that destroyed the schools in order to gain the favor and political donations from the teachers’ unions, relegating black youths to sub-par education.


It was the Government that replaced the work ethic with the welfare ethic, stripping young black men of the sense of pride and identity that comes from hard work and effort.


And now this Government that destroyed your quality of life now wants to improve it?


Don’t fall for that.




DiannyRants via iOTW

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“There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.”

G.K. Chesterton.

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March 2, 2014

Who Is My Brother's Keeper?

By Karin McQuillan

Obama is lying again. The My Brother’s Keeper initiative is not actually going to help any young black people. It will help him. He has already used it to extract 200 million in pledges from business and foundations. The Presidents goal? To create a committee to assess what government anti-poverty approaches work. They will then create a computer portal to help poor blacks access government money. Yes, a computer portal. Can you feel the hope?


Conservatives accept the reality that the only way to combat life’s unfairness is to strengthen personal responsibility. The work ethic, education and sacrificing for your children is the sure way that people in this country have progressed.


Destroy the motivation to be responsible, to work hard and live clean, and you have destroyed a person. Despite all the good intentions in the world, no anti-poverty program has decreased poverty. What it does achieve is that American poverty is bought and paid for by Democrats, and the payoff is a 90% voting block worthy of Stalinist Russia. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://americanthinker.com/2014/03/who_is_my_brothers_keeper.html

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Obama Sues to Allow Illinois Muslims to Skip Work W/O Being Fired



-By Warner Todd Huston


So, according to the Obama administration, if you are a Muslim in Illinois who signed a contract to work for a company, but you find that you just don’t want to do something your boss tells you to do, why, you just don’t have to do it. Oh, and if you are fired for refusing to do the work you contracted to do, why, Obama will sue your employer for you.


This is what has happened in the Land Of Lincoln with the US Government vs the Star Transport trucking company. A couple of Muslims signed a contract to work for a trucking company, a contract that says that drivers will take any load that a company administrator assigns and will deliver that payload. Period. The terms of employment are known ahead of time among all employees.


But a couple of Muslims for Star Transport found out that their boss was going to ask them to transport a load of alcohol–a job that everyone knows the company has–and these Muslims refused to take the load because: religion.


The Obama administration is suing the trucking company for violating these Muslims’ freedom of religion because after they refused to take the load as per the contract they signed, they were properly and logically fired.


Of course, there is nothing in Islam that would prevent a Muslim from transporting alcohol. Some Muslims say that drinking alcohol violates their religious tenets, but no one was demanding they drink it and their transportation job would not be for their consumption. It is for other Americans’ consumption.


Their refusal had nothing at all to do with their personal religious needs and is nothing more than another Muslim attempt to enforce on all Americans a sharia-like ban on alcohol.


After all, taken to its logical extreme, the transportation of all alcohol would have to be banned just to avoid “offending” some wandering Muslim.


In the mean time, Obama and his fellow leftists are forcing Christians to cater to gays even though they say that doing so violates their Christian religion, Obama is trying to force Churches and Christian organizations to pay for contraceptives and abortions, and Obama is calling Christians haters and bigots for wanting to follow their religions.


So, Muslims can refuse to do work claiming religious objections and escape from being fired for their refusal and that is freedom of religion, but if Christians try anything similar, they are attacked, called names, and forced to violate their religion anyway under penalty of law.




Publius via iOTW

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