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Canada Shows How To Fight Radical Green Groups


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022514-691163-follow-canadas-lead-in-battling-enviro-radicals.htmInvestors Business Daily:

The global economy is an increasingly high-stakes battlefield, and governments large and small must determine daily when and how to enter that fray.


Do they engage on the side of free markets and expanded individual liberties — promoting greater prosperity and freedom for all people? Or do they align themselves with entrenched interests and bureaucrats bent on expanding centralized power (and political patronage) — thus promoting greater dependency?


Make no mistake: Thousands of such decisions — budgetary, monetary, personnel, regulatory, etc. — help make or break the lives of billions of people around the globe.


Unfortunately, when it should be engaging against established anti-competitive interests — or staying out of policy debates altogether — the federal government of the United States invariably jumps in on the wrong side.


Recent examples include President Barack Obama's failed economic stimulus, the Federal Reserve's ongoing money-printing experiment, ObamaCare, the Environmental Protection Agency's war on energy, the National Security Agency's domestic spy network and the Internal Revenue Service's persecution of limited-government groups.


The results of these policies is unmistakable: Record welfare expansion, a shrinking workforce, stagnant wages and lost liberties.Scissors-32x32.png

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